Big decisions in business need to be met head on. You don’t have time to dilly-dally while your competition makes the hard decisions. It’s important to ‘take things under advisement’ sure, but when it gets down to it, waiting may just mean you lack the confidence to go forward.
How do you know you’re waiting for good reason, or just fearful of change?
- Do you already have necessary information, but ‘no time’ to look at it?
- Have you heard this advice several times, but always find a way to ignore it?
- Is a small internal voice telling you that your choice really comes down to waiting, or choosing to lose?
- Does the choice in front of you hinge on behavior modification that you just don’t want to deal with?
Here’s good news: the issue is much smaller than you think it is! Take fear off the table so you can make an intelligent decision. Fear immobilizes and impedes, it never helps you decide. (Especially in business!)
Now, look at your situation with more objectivity:
- Read or learn what you’ve been presented with NOW. Good decisions are informed decisions. You don’t know what you don’t know.
- Time is not, I repeat – not – on your side. If people you trust have been telling you to get moving, quit making excuses. If you hear something once, you have the right to ignore it. If you hear something twice, you still have the right to ignore it – but you’d better pay attention. If you hear that same thing from three different sources you trust, get off your butt and move already.
- Your great ideas for business growth are only good implemented. Someone, somewhere, will have that very same idea – and make it work. Thorough evaluation is necessary, but keep your perspective. Don’t shut down, waiting for the answer to drop out of the sky. It won’t.
- Most people dwell on the difficulty of behavior modification. The truth is, the other side of behavior modification is often the transformation that has to occur for the butterfly to emerge. Flying is very different from crawling, and eating leaves. The process of change is bound to feel different, too.
What area of your life hasn’t had to adapt to change? It’s no different in business.
The real choice is, will you intentionally adapt for your company’s good, or through lack of action develop a failure mindset – never expecting bigger things to happen and afraid of making hard choices?
Have confidence, moving forward, pressing beyond and stretching to your next success.
Is there a big choice looming over your head?
Do you need to make some smaller choices that you keep putting off?
Have you recently made a decision that you’re really glad you made? Encourage another business owner and tell us about it in the comments below or share them with us on Facebook.
Photo Credits:
© Wizdata | Stock Free Images & Dreamstime Stock Photos
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