Just how hard (or easy) is it to turn luxury items or excellent services into cash? You know the adage, “it takes money to make money.” That’s not entirely untrue. But it’s not entirely true, either.
The key is to understand what makes the right audience buy, and then speak to that exact audience. The right marketing tools help you to do this well. While there’s a lot you can do yourself these days, you need a healthy understanding of customer attraction. After all, anyone can buy something. The question is, can appreciative, higher-spending clients and faithful distributors become interested in your stuff, and when they do – will your presentation convince them to call you or come to your store?
The right graphics tell a visual story. When a professional designer weaves great images into sales material, they have an understanding about what’s truly tasteful and convincing. Professional copywriting takes everything about buyer behavior into consideration. Stellar marketing direction starts with the strategy, then pulls it all together and points it in the right direction.
It’s kind of like a cake. You can buy a cake almost anywhere, but certain occasions call for a truly great cake, and the difference can be beyond compare. When you want to make an impact, bringing the right cake leaves an impression.
Far too often a business owner isn’t really getting in their prospect’s head like they think they are.
I’m not saying that the most convincing sales collateral is necessarily the most expensive business card or brochure. High dollars spent do not mean the sale is ‘in the bag.’
I do, however, know that when you’re buying the services of a marketing company to provide a sales piece, you’re buying the experienced, knowledgeable skills and craftsmanship for the purpose of making or enhancing the sale – not simply a ‘piece’ you think you should have. True enough, anyone can make a brochure. But not everyone can make the brochure an effective sales tool. There’s more to consider than what fits where.
Marketing guru Dan Kennedy, a six-figure direct mail copywriter, talks about how some of the least expensive techniques actually yield the highest figures for some of his clients. Since royalties are paid for that type of work, he’s made a lot of money offering what works, as opposed to what the masses advocate. You’re much better off paying for expert perspective and help with the strategy, than diving right in and developing high-end marketing materials that may not be on target to reach your audience.
That said, your polished presentation does matter. You need to be able to leave your customer with something tangible during critical times of consideration. You want your brand associated with the good vibes they got from the whole experience. That’s done with business cards, brochures, sell sheets, and thank-you cards.
These all have a purpose and place in your marketing arsenal – now more than ever before. Think about it. It’s entirely possible that it might take as many as nine different interactions with your brand before a prospect decides to actually purchase.
Unless you want to be a raving maniac who never sleeps, it’s not possible to interact with each prospect up to nine times, manage the sale, and stay in front of them frequently without taking advantage of brochures, posters, sell sheets, and even introduction and follow-up letters.
Social media is a significant help, but it’s an additional avenue, not the sole method.
Sure, many businesses do practically all their marketing online. But don’t forget the importance of tangible goods that showcase your products and services in yet another manner.
Don’t be unarmed. When you have all the items you need at your fingertips you’ll be prepared for any situation and easily motivate your buyer. The icing on the cake? If you’ve done a good job, the experience will be remembered and your brochure will be shared with friends, family and co-workers.
How long has it been since you’ve updated your brochures and sell sheets? Tell us about it below.
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