Would more clients equal making more money? Many people think so. How many hours are you working right now? Want to work even MORE hours? Probably not, and that’s okay because that’s NOT how you’re going to make more money anyway.
I have great news for you! More clients DON’T always equal more money. When you own your own company, working more doesn’t mean bringing home more moohla. Making it successful is all about working it smarter, not longer.
If you’re spending too much time waiting for the phone to ring, however, it’s time to get aggressive. Maybe you really do need more customers!
If you had them, how would you take care of their needs, earn an income, and live a lifestyle you can enjoy?
However you see it, it’s important that you do see a scenario that allows you quality time with your family and ample resources to be effective in the world around you. You have to be able to identify your value to charge customers appropriately – and get the sale. Ask me about that. It’s more than a casual conversation.
I sometimes hear people who don’t have full schedules complaining that if they had more work, who would do it? There’s this issue and that issue that keep them from managing the work they do have profitably – yet they don’t quite make enough to provide what they need.
Let me share with you that you can’t think like that and expect much. You have to aim high, ready to serve many people with systems in place that help you make profitable decisions. Get the work, then hire for the needs that have to be filled in your organization to do a great job for others. That’s how America gets back to work!
What if you had more clients and customers? Can you see it? Growing your company can take as much as 80% of your time for a season. You need people in place to help you do that. Start carving out the hours you need to put your head around how to make it work – profitably. You CAN do this.
What does the vision for your company look like if you had more customers?
Photo Credit:
freeimageslive.co.uk – stockmedia.cc
Capacity. Do you know yours? Can you satisfy the needs of more customers or will your customers suffer because you can not get more done with the resources you have in place?
If you are the go-to person for everything or the sole apparatus which does the work to produce the products or services, you are the machine and like all machines they (you) have capacity limitations.
Tweaking the machine to increase productivity is possible, but you still have limitations. Running full speed also has consequences and if the machine has a interruption in service, production slows or worse stops completely. Over taxing or placing complete dependency on one resource can have negative consequences.
Grow your business and your capacity in a controlled well planned way to achieve ultimate success…greater profits with less stress.
If our company had more customers (and this depands on the type and size of the custotmer) we would need to seriously consider hiring additional support staff. It always seems like a “no brainer” to hire more factory staff when things get busier but I find we are sometimes hesitant to increase the support staff (customer service/sales support). However, as I consider your blog post, I’m thinking that we will be doing a disservice to our customers (both new and long term) if we ignore the need to staff appropriately.
That’s a very healthy way to look at business growth, Abby. Companies have been known to suffer in the public eye if quality, quantity, or response mechanisms are limited because of the size of the staff. Hiring is a big commitment, no doubt. If happy customers make sales happen, we have to be able to keep up or lose our advantage. It takes a lot of brain time, elbow grease and conversation to do it right, so who runs shop while you become an even better company? Delegation rocks when you have people you can count on:) Thank you for commenting.