Earlier this month I talked about article marketing on Express Marketing Memo, and I focused on the value of a larger audience for your material.
Many writers, and even small business owners, are realizing that to truly take advantage of Internet marketing opportunities, coming up with their own original content proves difficult, especially at the rate it must be done to help their Google rankings. Any given site should be posting between 2-5 new posts per week. Articles should get submitted for your company monthly or more. That’s quite a bit. You can do it, but you’d better budget your time.
If a writer supplies content for many sites, or if new articles and blog posts compete for time in an otherwise hectic workplace, using another content provider is a pretty smart way to go.
Internet marketing veterans have used generated content for some time. You wouldn’t be the first person to wonder how on earth anyone has time to come up with a continual stream of fresh content, take care of other professional responsibilities and have time to sleep, too.
Time constraints on our lives can appear endless. As a time-management junkie, I can tell you to always be on the lookout for ways to work smarter, not longer.
Zero To Sixty Marketing LLC helps you conduct business as usual while building your online credibility. But paid writing services are only one way to establish a content stream; article directories offer a way to collect content from various authors yourself.
It’s an investment in your future that pays off over time, exponentially. Your online presence via articles, blog posts, and social media builds your brand reputation of the future, and done correctly can yield results rather quickly, sometimes in as little as three months.
How do you use other writers’ content and build your credibility? Publishing another author’s content is good for both of you, if you do it legally. When you use published articles from EzineArticles.com or EvanCarmichael.com, you must also publish the accompanying resource or bio box with the original author’s information – including their links. The original author gets the links they were after and the endorsement, and you get the content you need to build your online reputation.
Frequently posting value-added, linked content is what search engines are looking for when ranking your site. There is no reason several authors can’t boost one site’s rankings, if everything else is done right.
Have you ever used article directory sites for content? Was it helpful? Tell us about it.
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